Preview an Invoice

If you created an invoice in Billing, you can preview the invoice from the AR Review form. You can only preview invoices for which an invoice is on file.

If you use multiple companies and intercompany invoices exist for the current client and are on file, you can preview and print those intercompany invoices from the AR Review form. If the projects that you use for intercompany invoices do not have clients, use the Project Review form to preview and print those intercompany invoices.

To preview an invoice:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Firms > AR Review.
  2. On the AR Review form, select a client record.
    Billing information for the client's projects displays in the Accounts Receivable grid.
  3. If your enterprise is working on more than one project for the client, select a project in the Accounts Receivable grid.
  4. On the grid toolbar, click to open the Invoice Details dialog box.
  5. On the Invoice Details dialog box, select the invoice and click .
    The invoice displays on the Preview window and you can review its contents.
After you preview the invoice, you can print the invoice report, attach it to an email message, download it, or schedule it to run at another time.