Delete a Transaction from the Set of Billable Transactions

You can delete a labor, expense, or unit transaction in its entirety from the set of billable transactions in Interactive Billing, so it will not be included on any billing invoice.

To delete an entire transaction from the set of billable transactions:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. Complete the information on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
  3. On the Interactive Billing form, open the project.
  4. Click the Labor, Expenses, or Units tab, based on the transaction type that you want to delete.
  5. In the transaction grid on the tab, select Delete in the Status field for the transactions that you want to delete in their entirety.
    Alternatively, you can do any of the following in the transactions grid to delete transactions in their entirety:
    • Select the check box at the beginning of the row for multiple transactions, and click Delete in the grid actions bar. The status for all the selected transactions automatically changes to Delete in the grid.
    • If you click the check box at the beginning of the row for only one transaction and then click Delete in the grid actions bar, this opens the Delete dialog box. This dialog box allows you to specify that a partial amount of the transaction be deleted. However, if you leave the prefilled labor hours, expense amount, or unit quantities as is and not change them on this dialog box, when you click the Delete button on the dialog box, the status of the transaction in its entirety is changed to Delete in the transactions grid.
Transactions with a Delete status are not included in the next invoice and are automatically removed from the transaction grid on a tab in Interactive Billing after the next invoice is final accepted.