Assigning the Next Invoice Number

In Interactive Billing, you can change the next number that will be automatically assigned to an invoice or credit memo in Interactive Billing if Vantagepoint has been set up to allow users to change the next automatic invoice number.

Invoice numbers are automatically assigned to invoices in Interactive Billing when you final accept an invoice. You can change the next number that will be automatically assigned to the next invoice in Interactive Billing if both of the following apply:

  • The Allow Changes to Next Invoice Number option is set to Yes in the company-specific settings of the Options form in Settings > Billing > Options.
  • Your security role has the Allow Final Processing option selected in the Billing Security section on the Accounting tab of the Roles form in Settings > Security > Roles.

In Interactive Billing, you assign the next number by selecting Other Actions > Assign Invoice Number. On the Assign Invoice Number dialog box, select the Specific Number option and enter a number to use for the next invoice.

The number that you enter in the Specific Number field will be used instead of the next invoice number entered in the following locations:

  • For project-based invoice numbering: In the Next Invoice Number field in the Summary pane in Billing Terms for a project.
  • For company-wide invoice numbering: In the Next Invoice Number field in Settings > Billing > Options. This number also displays in the Next Company Invoice Number field on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing.

For more information about invoice numbers, see Invoice Numbers for Billing Invoices.