Change the Bill Through Period/Date or Period Start/End Dates for Submitted or Approved Invoices

After you submit or approve a billing invoice, you can change the bill through period, bill through date, or period start and end dates for it in Interactive Billing.

  • You use an approval process for billing invoices (turned on in Settings > Billing > Options.
  • You have submitted or approved an invoice. To make these changes for an approved invoice, you must be designated as an invoice approver for the approval process.

To change the bill through period, bill through date, or period start or end dates for a submitted or approved invoice:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. On the Interactive Billing form select a project that has a submitted or approved invoice that you want to change.
  3. Click the Billing Session Options action.
  4. On the Billing Session Options dialog box, change the entry in the Bill Through Period, Bill Through Date, Period Start Date, or Period End Date field and then click OK.
  5. In the Resubmit dialog box, click OK.
    If you click Cancel on this dialog box, the changes that you made on the Billing Session Options dialog box are not saved, and no changes are made to the submitted or approved invoice.
  6. In the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box, enter a comment for the resubmitted invoice, and click Save.
    If you click Cancel on this dialog box, the changes that you made on the Billing Session Options dialog box are not saved, and no changes are made to the submitted or approved invoice.
  • At the top of the Interactive Billing form, you see the change that you made on the Billing Session Options dialog box reflected in the Period, Bill Through Date, or Bill Through Period fields below the project name and number.
  • On the General tab of the Interactive Billing form, the Invoice Status field displays Submitted for the submitted or approved invoice that you just resubmitted. If the invoice was previously approved, it needs to go through the approval process again.
  • The transactions on the Labor, Expenses, Units, and Fees tabs are automatically updated, according to the date or period change that you made on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
  • The draft invoice, including the invoice amount, is automatically recalculated.
  • The invoice comments that were entered before you made the changes on the Billing Session Options dialog box and resubmitted the invoice are retained, so that you can still access them.