Inserting Billing Transactions

When you create an invoice in Interactive Billing, in addition to the labor, expense, or unit transactions that are automatically available to bill, you can manually insert transactions to bill that have not previously been posted as costs to the project or your general ledger.

You add these transactions using + Add Billing Labor, + Add Billing Expense, and + Add Billing Unit below the transaction grids on the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs in Interactive Billing.

  • An inserted transaction in Interactive Billing does not get posted to the invoice's project, the accounting applications, or the general ledger. The inserted transaction is added only to the billing invoice.
  • After you insert a transaction in Interactive Billing and bill it, to post that cost to a project and general ledger: Enter it the usual way, such as entering an accounts payable expense. However, you must apply the Suppress Billing option to the entry to prevent the transaction from being automatically added in Interactive Billing and billed again. If you do not apply the Suppress Billing option, you can write off or delete the transaction in Interactive Billing during the next bill processing cycle to prevent it from being double billed.

Example: Assume that a project incurred a $5,000 consultant charge, and you want to bill your client for it before you receive a bill from the consultant. This means that you have not yet posted the consultant charge to the project or general ledger, so an expense for this does not automatically display on the Expense tab in Interactive Billing. In this situation, you can manually add the $5,000 consultant charge in Interactive Billing using + Add Billing Expense on the Expense tab and include the expense on an invoice to the client. Then, when you receive the consultant's bill, you can enter the expense in the usual way as an accounts payable transaction and apply the Suppress Billing option. This posts the cost to the project and general ledger without sending the transaction to Interactive Billing to be invoiced again.