Contents of the Manage Locales Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Locales screen.


Field Description
Locale ID

Use this field to enter a locale ID. A good naming practice to follow is that used by ISO standards, such as xx_YY, in which xx is the language and YY is the country (for example, en_US, fr_FR, and so on).

Note: Costpoint provides a default locale ID (en_US) for this screen (in the W_LOCALE table) and displays this default in the Configure System Settings screen.

Use this field to enter a descriptive name for this Locale ID.


Use this field to enter, or click binoculars.gif to select, a language ID for this locale.

Decimal Separator

Use this drop-down list box to select a decimal separator for numbers generated in reports. The options are as follows:

  • Period
  • Comma
  • Space
  • Single Quote
1000s Separator

Use this drop-down list box to select a thousands separator for numbers generated in reports. The options are as follows:

  • Period
  • Comma
  • Space
  • Single Quote
Numbers Example

This field displays a preview of the options you specified in the Decimal Separator and 1000s Separator fields.

Date Separator

Use this drop-down list box to select the symbol you want to use as the separator for date components generated in reports. The options are as follows:

  • Slash
  • Dash
  • Period
  • Comma
  • Colon
  • Backslash
Date Order

Use this drop-down list box to select the order of the date components generated in reports. The options are as follows:

  • Month/Day/Year
  • Day/Month/Year
  • Year/Month/Day
Date Example

This field displays a preview of the options you specified in the Date Separator and Date Order fields.

Hours Format

Use this drop-down list box to select the hours format for time components generated in reports. The options are as follows:

  • 12-Hour
  • 24-Hour
Time Separator

Use this drop-down list box to select the symbol to be used as the separator for time components generated in reports. The options are as follows:

  • Slash
  • Dash
  • Period
  • Comma
  • Colon
  • Backslash
AM Description

Use this field to enter an AM indicator for time components generated in reports. This field can be edited as desired.

PM Description

Use this field to enter a PM indicator for time components generated in reports. This field can be edited as desired.

Time Example

This field displays a preview of the options you specified in the Hours Format, Time Separator, AM Description, and PM Description fields.


How can I change or delete report locale data in this screen?

You can change the data in the Name, Language, Decimal Separator, 1000s Separator, Date Separators, Date Order, Time Separator, AM Description, and PM Description fields in the Report Locales table window at any time.

You cannot actually change the data in the Report Locale ID field in the Report Locales table window, since you must  procedurally first delete the row with the unwanted ID and then add a new row with the desired ID.

If a report locale ID from this screen is currently in use (that is, it has been used in other setup and data entry screens), it is considered dependent data and you cannot delete that ID from this screen.

In order to delete it, you must first assign a different report locale ID in each applicable record throughout Costpoint in which that ID is used.

After the report locale ID is no longer in use, you can delete the row from the table window.

Note: You cannot delete the single pre-loaded report locale ID (en_US) automatically supplied for Costpoint.