- Definition: A logical step that contributes toward the accomplishment of a workflow.
- Synonyms: Task, Step
- Usage: In the Define Workflow Models screen, you can define activities involved in a workflow. Once a workflow is in process, activities are routed to inboxes (and e-mail if available), and you can assign, start, and complete activities.
- Definition: Historical record of completion of workflow activity.
- Usage: In Costpoint Workflow, the transfer, start, and completion of activities are recorded. You can view this audit trail in the Monitor Status, Print Workflow Status Report, Print Audit Report, and the Audit Inquiry screens.
- Definition: An instance of a workflow, which is identified by a unique number and the values for the workflow's case labels.
- Example: For a business process that is repeated monthly, there would be a workflow case for each month.
- Usage: You can start a new workflow case in the Initiate Case and Maintain Case screens and track the status of a case's workflow activities in the Monitor Status screen.
Case Labels
- Definition: Descriptive titles for the key fields that will help identify a workflow case.
- Example: For an Add User workflow, a User ID would identify each case.
- Usage: In the Define Case Labels screen, you supply a list of valid choices for case labels. In the Define Workflow Models screen, you define case labels for each workflow. Whenever a user initiates a case, the user supplies values for each label.
- Definition: Criteria to limit routing of activities and messages within a role.
- Example: Location, Product Line, Group
- Usage: In the Define Role Filtering screen, you define filters and then apply them to roles in the Define Roles screen. In the Define Workflow Models screen, you design activity and message routing using the previously defined roles and add filters as case labels. Filters and case label values limit the users within the roles that will receive activities and messages in their inboxes (and e-mail, if available).
- Definition: Notification of a completed activity.
- Usage: In the Define Workflow Models screen, you define routing for messages following the completion of activities. In the Activity and Message Inboxes screen, you can read your notification messages. Also, Workflow messages can be routed through e-mail.
- Definition: Alternative choices for completing a task of the business process.
- Example: A "Review Timesheet" activity may have two associated options for completion: "Approve Timesheet" or "Reject Timesheet."
- Usage: In the Define Workflow Models screen, you add activities and options in your business process. When starting and completing activities, you choose options when available.
- Definition: Qualification of a participant who performs workflow activities, which enables the workflow system to distribute activities to the appropriate individuals for completion.
- Example: Voucher Entry Clerk, Purchase Order Supervisor
- Usage: In The Define Roles screen you supply the list of roles and associate users with these roles. In the Define Workflow Models screen, you apply these roles to the starting and completing of workflow activities. When a workflow is in-progress, activities and messages are routed to the inboxes (and e-mail, if available) of users within these roles.
- Definition: How activities move from role to role within the workflow.
- Usage: Workflow routes activities and messages to the Activity and Message Inboxes screen (and e-mail, if available) based on workflow and role definition.
- Definition: Set of activities that are connected in order to achieve a common goal.
- Synonyms: Process, Model
- Usage: In the Define Workflow Models screen, you enter the design of your business processes.