Input File Information

Use this information as a guide in creating an input file that you can upload to Costpoint using the Import FAR/Supplemental Regulation Files subtask of the Manage Supplemental Regulations Library screen.

Input File Template

Download the following template CSV file from the Deltek Support Center site at CTMDFAR.CSV. You need your regular login and password to download this file.

Input File Layout

The first row in every file is reserved for column headings. The program does not read the first row.

Column No Column Name Field Name Data Type Data Length Required / Optional Defaulting Information Contents
1 DFAR_ID Clause Number Character 25 Required
2 DFAR_TITLE Title Character 256 Required If the clause number is supplied in the input file, Costpoint checks if that number exists on the Manage Supplemental Regulations Library screen and defaults its corresponding Title. If the clause number does not exist or is not provided in the input file, Costpoint accepts the title in the input file.
3 AGENCY_CD Agency Character 15 Optional
4 SOURCE_CD Source Character 1 Optional U U (User) or S (System)
5 REQ_FL Required Character 1 Optional N Y or N
6 INCLUDE_FL Included Character 1 Optional Null I (IBR) or F (Full Text)
7 RISK_LVL_FL Risk Level Character 1 Optional Null H (High), M (Medium), or L (Low)
8 DFAR_DESC Description Character 4,000 Optional
9 EDIT_FL Editable Character 1 Optional N Y or N
10 EFFECT_DT Effective Date Date Date Optional Format date as yyyy-mm-dd.
11 SHOW_LOOKUP_FL Show in Lookup Character 1 Optional Y Y or N
12 DFAR_NOTES Notes Character 256 Optional
13 SUBCNTR_FLOW_FL Subcontract Flow-down Character 1 Optional Null O (Optional), Y (Required), or N (Not Required)
14 SUBCNTR_NOTES Subcontract Notes Character 256 Optional
15 MITIGATION_TYPE Mitigation Type Character 1 Optional Null P (Price) or C (Cost Impact)
16 MITIGATION_NOTES Mitigation Notes Character 256 Optional