
These are Buyer Requisition Worksheet prompts.

Prompt Message



Select the single company to use when running the report.

Primary group

Select the primary group to sort on:

  • Buyer

  • Item

  • Requisition

Requisition status

Select the status of the requisitions to include on the report:

  • Approved

  • In Approval

  • Pending

Number of PO lines to display

Enter the number of purchase order lines to display.

Number of vendor quote lines to display

Enter the number of vendor quote lines to display.

Number of RFQ lines to display

Enter the number of RFQ lines to display.

Exclude items older than

Enter the date to exclude older objects.

Select one or more requisitions

Enter a portion of one or more requisition IDs in the Keywords field and click Search to return requisitions to include on the report.

You can use the steps in entering keywords in the Keywords fields to return the results you are looking for.

Select one or more buyers

Enter a portion of one or more buyer IDs in the Keywords field and click Search to return buyers to include on the report.

You can use the steps in entering keywords in the Keywords fields to return the results you are looking for.

Include requisition lines with no items

Select whether or not to include requisition lines with no items.