Set Up a Time and Materials Bill

You access several screens to set up a Time and Materials bill.

To set up a Time and Materials bill:

  1. Initialize the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen, if you are using custom billing formats.  
  2. Initialize the Manage Supporting Schedule Formats screen, if supporting schedules are required.
  3. Initialize the Manage Project Billing Information screen for the posting level of the bill.
  4. Set up the Detail Levels subtask of the Manage Project Billing Information screen if you need billings printed at levels lower than the posting level.
  5. Set up customers in the Customers subtask of the Manage Project Billing Information screen and identify the customer who is billed.
  6. On the following screens, as appropriate, initialize ceilings for Other Direct Charges (ODC) accounts that you plan to bill:
    • Manage Hour Ceilings
    • Manage Direct Cost Ceilings
    • Manage Burden Cost Ceilings
    • Manage Total Ceilings
  7. Initialize Project Labor Categories and Billing Rates using any of the following scenarios:
    • Billing Rates are Company Wide
      • Initialize the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen.
      • On the Billing Rates subtask of the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen, set up billing rates.
      • On the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen, set up the table at the transaction level of the project and set the Rate Table to C.
    • Billing Rates are Project Specific
      • Initialize the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen.
      • On the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen, assign PLCs to projects at the source project level as defined in the Define Rate Sequence table.
      • On the Billing Rates subtask of the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen, set up billing rates at the source project level as defined in the Define Rate Sequence table.
      • On the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen, set up the table at the transaction level of the project.
    • Billing Rates are Person Specific on Each Project
      • Initialize the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen.
      • On the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen, assign PLCs to projects at the source project level as defined in the Define Rate Sequence table.
      • On the Manage Vendor Employee Work Force screen, set up the vendor employee work force at the source project level as defined in the Define Rate Sequence table.
      • On the Assign PLC to Vendor Employee Work Force subtask of the Manage Vendor Employee Work Force screen, assign PLCs to the vendor employee work force at the source project level as defined in the Define Rate Sequence table.
      • On the Link Project Labor Category Rates to Employee/Vendor screen, set up the rates at the source project level as defined in the Define Rate Sequence table.
      • On the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen, set up the table at the transaction level of the project.
  8. Initialize any amounts that have not been billed by using either the Manage Open Billing Detail screen (for amounts from legacy systems), or by executing the Update Open Billing Detail Records utility (for amounts incurred in Costpoint that did not make it to Open Billing because they were posted before the Manage Project Billing Information screen was set up)
  9. Initialize previously billed amounts in the Manage Billing History screen and, optionally, in the Manage Closed Billing Detail screen.