Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC)

Use this screen to set up Project Labor Categories (PLCs) to be used for tracking charges. Costpoint uses these PLCs to compute revenue and billing on Loaded Labor projects.

You must populate this company-wide table before you can use PLCs in the other project-specific screens.

This function builds the table of all PLCs, irrespective of project. After you have defined a PLC here, you can assign it to any project, or you can use the PLC without a project and assign it a general billing rate for all projects.

The first case, assigning a PLC to a given project, is used for Time and Material projects, which require a billing rate for a client-specified labor category.

The second case, using a PLC without assigning it to a project, allows for the assignment of a standard company-wide labor category to be billed with a standard company-wide rate for all projects.

Use this screen to initialize any new PLC, irrespective of whether the category is used company-wide or attached to a project.