Set Up a Format

You can set up a format using the Manage Generic Billing Formats and Manage Supporting Schedule Formats screens.

To set up a format:

  1. On the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen, establish the bill formats.

    You must determine whether a supporting schedule is required by using the Supporting Schedule Req? check box. The Line Type determines the schedule type that prints for that line. The following table lists the line types along with their resulting supporting schedule types:

    Line Type Supporting Schedule Type
    Cost (not designated for labor) Non-Labor
    Cost (designated for labor) Labor (T&M or non-T&M)
    Hours Labor (T&M or non-T&M)
    Units Units

    A line type of Cost is considered "designated for labor" when a general ledger account number with a function code of Labor is assigned to that line on the Accounts subtask of the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen. Function codes are defined for general ledger accounts when you set up project account groups on the Manage Account Groups screen.

    Depending on the number of line types on the generic bill formats, there can be more than one supporting schedule type associated with that format.

  2. On the Manage Supporting Schedule Formats screen, define the supporting schedule formats.

    Use the Detail Levels subtask of the Manage Project Billing Information screen to designate, if required, the supporting schedule format that is printed for the bill.

When the bills are calculated, the supporting schedules are computed at the same time. You can then print the supporting schedules by themselves, or print them when you print the bills in the Print Billings screens.

You can assign only one supporting schedule format, which can include several different schedule types, to any one bill at a time. If different supporting schedules are required than the ones originally printed, you must modify the supporting schedule format on the Manage Project Billing Information screen. You must then recalculate the bill and reprint the supporting schedules.