Create Multi-Job Allocation Entries

Use this screen to compute the Multi-Job Allocation journal entry, which allocates the costs of a project, or projects, to other projects.

This enables you to use a project for cost accumulation and then allocate it similarly to a service center. You must set up the allocation on the Manage Multi-Job Allocation Information screen before you execute this screen. You may also have to complete the Manage Multi-Job Allocation Cost History screen and the Manage Multi-Job Allocation Labor History screen. Please refer to the documentation on these screens for additional instructions.

When completed, this process generates a multi-job allocation journal entry for all allocation codes that were run together. You can then modify and post the journal entry in the usual way. Note that if you modify an allocation entry before posting, you must also make the modification on the Manage Multi-Job Allocation Cost History screen to ensure this table is correct for subsequent calculations.

Compute multi-job allocation entries after entering and posting all the costs for the projects you want to allocate. Compute burden, even if you are allocating indirect costs, to ensure that the project tables are updated. After computing and posting this journal entry, compute burden for the receiving projects to ensure the allocated amounts are included in the revenue process.

Note: For more information about this process and the Project Transfer process, see the "Project Transfer Versus Multi-Job" topic.