Manage Burden Cost Ceilings

Use this screen to impose a ceiling rate for project/account/pool combinations, which are used in the revenue and billing computations.

This ceiling rate becomes the "not-to-exceed" rate for the project. Additionally, you can specify an override rate or a fixed rate to be used for reporting purposes only.

Warning: You must add a new record for each project/fiscal year combination at the beginning of each fiscal year.  Indirect cost pools are unique by fiscal year and, as a result, require new ceilings/overrides at the beginning of each fiscal year. Failure to add these records results in inaccurate revenue and billing calculations.

Initialize this screen before computing burden cost and before calculating billing or revenue. You should have already set up the following screens: Manage Project Account Groups, the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, Manage Cost Pools, Manage Revenue Information, and Manage Project Billing Information.

Additional maintenance of this screen is required only when you begin a new fiscal year, when a ceiling changes, or when a new ceiling must be added.

This screen is also available as a subtask of the Manage Project User Flow: Burden Cost Ceilings.