
These are Burdened Labor and ODC's prompts.

Prompt Message



Select the company to use to run the report.

Fiscal year

Select the fiscal year.


Select the period.


Select the subperiod.

Rate type

Select the rate type to include:

  • Actual — Print the report using actual burden rates from the tables.

  • Target — Print the report using target burden rates from the tables.

Primary group

Select the primary grouping:

  • Organization

  • Project

  • Project Manager

Secondary group

Select a secondary sort, different from the primary, if desired:

  • Labor Detail

  • Organization

  • Project Manager

Labor category

Select General Lab Cat or Project Lab Cat to add a column that displays the general labor or project labor category associated with the detail line. Select None to hide this detail.

Limit projects

Enter a portion of one or more project IDs or names in the Keywords field to narrow the primary group you selected in the previous field.

You can use the steps in entering keywords in the Keywords search fields to return the results you are looking for.

Display burden costs

Select Yes to display detailed burden costs. Select No to hide this detail.

Include the following details

Select one of these options to display detail:

  • Account

  • Labor

  • Organization