This section contains FAQs about project approvals.

What Is the Difference between Approving a Quick Project on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates Screen or the Approve Projects from Templates Screen?

The same approval processing occurs from either screen.

On the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen, you open each project individually and approve projects one at a time. You select the Approve Project check box in the Identification block on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen.

On the Approve Projects from Templates screen, you can select more than one project and approve them all at once by clicking the Approve button. This may save time if you have many projects to approve.

What Does the Approval Process Do?

After you enter all the information in Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen for a project, you must approve the project before you can import it into the permanent Costpoint project tables so that it becomes available on the Manage Project User Flow.

Approving makes the project ready for importing.

You import projects on the Import Quick Project Master Data screen.