Contents of the View Project Budgets Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the View Project Budgets screen.

Selection Criteria

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a project to begin the Project Budgets inquiry. The unnamed field to the right is non-editable and displays the project name. Click to retrieve all budget rows for all projects.

Include Level _____ and below

Select this check box to include only certain project levels in this inquiry, and then enter the highest level to be included in the untitled field to the right. Do not select this check box to include data for the selected project only, or if no project is selected, for all budget rows for all projects.


Use the fields in this group box to enter the range of organizations that you would like to see.

Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the range of organizations to be included in this inquiry. Valid options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

The default for this field is All.


Enter, or click to select, the beginning organization of the range to include in the inquiry. If you select All or From Beginning in the Range field, this field is inactive.

All organizations are available in .


Enter, or click to select, the ending organization of the range to include in the inquiry. If you select All, One, or To End in the Range field, this field is inactive.

All organizations are available in .

Budget Type

Use the options in this group box to select a baseline or workplan budget.

Field Description

Select this option to view the baseline budget for the selected project.


Select this option to view the active workplan budget for the selected project.

Display By

Use the options in this group box to select various viewing options.

Field Description

Select this check box to include an Acct column in the table window.


Select this check box to include an Org column in the table window.

Reference No

Select this check box to include a Reference No column in the table window.

Period Information

Use the options in this group box to select the periods that you want to see.

Field Description
View Total

Select this option to view all project budgets.

View by Periods

Select this option to view only those project budgets that are presented by fiscal period. You can present a budget by fiscal periods on the Info tab of the Manage Project Budgets and ETC screen.

Beginning FY

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year to begin the range of periods for this inquiry. This field is active only when you have selected the View by Periods option.

Beginning Period

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal period to begin the range of periods for this inquiry. This field is active only when you have selected the View by Periods option.

Ending FY

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year to end the range of periods for this inquiry. This field is active only when you have selected the View by Periods option.

Ending Period

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal period to end the range of periods for this inquiry. This field is active only when you have selected the View by Periods option.

Table Window

The columns in this table are determined by the selections made on the Configure Project Budget Settings screen and in the Display By group box in the header of this screen.

Field Description

This column displays the project ID for this row of budgeting data.

Project Name

This column displays the project name for this row of budgeting data.


This column displays the organization for this row of budgeting data. This column displays only when you have selected the Org check box in the Display By group box.


This column displays the project for this row of budgeting data. This column displays only when you have selected the Account check box in the Display By group box.

Reference Number

This column displays the reference number, if any, for this row of budgeting data. This column displays only when you have selected the Reference No check box in the Display By group box.

Fiscal Year

This column displays the fiscal year for this row of budgeting data.

Total Budget Amount

This column displays the total budget amount for this row of budgeting data.

Contract Cost

This column displays the contract cost for this row of budgeting data.

Contract Fees

This column displays the contract fees, if any, for this row of budgeting data.

Contract Total

This column displays the contract total for this row of budgeting data.

Project Manager

This column displays the project manager for this row of budgeting data.

Project Start Date

This column displays the project start date for this row of budgeting data. The project start date is determined on the Manage Modifications screen.

Project End Date

This column displays the project end date for this row of budgeting data. The project end date is determined on the Manage Modifications screen.


This column displays the revision for this row of budgeting data. Revisions are applicable only to workplan budgets.