Approve Work Assignments

Use this screen to approve work assignments, charge lines, and vendor employee lines if the Require Work Assignment Approval check box is selected on the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen, and either the Auto-Approve Work Assignment, Approve at Work Assignment Level, or Approve at Charge Line Level check box is selected on the Manage Work Assignment Approval Codes screen.

Only users linked to an approval code set up in Manage Work Assignment Approval Codes can use this screen. If you are linked to an approval code and you open this screen, your user ID displays in the Approver field as well as the work assignments, charge lines, and vendor employees lines to which you are linked. All three table windows display so that you can see the charge lines associated with the selected work assignment and the vendor employees associated with the selected charge line.

If approvals are not required, when the work assignment is saved, the approval status for the work assignment, charge lines, and vendor employee lines will be set to Approved and disabled. If you try to open this screen, Costpoint displays a message indicating that approvals are not required and you will not be able to access this screen.

Note: This application is available only if you are licensed for Subcontractor Management. The Trans fields for the rate and amount on this screen are available only if you are licensed for Multicurrency.