Cash Forecasting Overview
The Cash Forecasting functionality enables you to accurately determine your company’s cash position at any time and allows you to create, edit, and print cash forecasts.
It also lets you create scheduling, monitoring, and long-term planning forecasts. Lastly, you can calculate both beginning cash balances (which are considered as actuals) and future cash impacts (which are considered as the forecasted amounts) for the specific timeframes in the forecast template.
Each screen represents a different step in the process:
- Use the Manage Cash Forecast Templates and Manage Cash Forecast Accounts screens to link existing accounts to groups and individual lines in the cash forecast. Deltek recommends that you complete the forecast template before you run the Create Preliminary Cash Forecasts process.
- Run the Create Preliminary Cash Forecasts process.
- Use the Manage Preliminary Cash Forecasts screen to edit the system-derived numbers or make any other necessary adjustments.
- Use the Print Cash Forecasts Report screen to print the forecast data.
Creating Cash Forecasts and their Templates
You can create cash forecasts as often as necessary. Before you create a cash forecast, you must first create a cash forecasting template to determine the groups and individual lines to display in the cash forecast.
Parent Topic: Cash Forecasting