Other Project Setup Options

This topic provides an overview on the following project setup options: manual entry, cloning, Mass Add Project Master Data screen, and Import Project Master Data screen.

Manual Entry

Basic project setup requires manual entry in one or more of the following screens:

  • Manage Project User Flow: Use this screen to enter data for all projects.
  • Manage Modifications: Use this screen to enter and track funds, dates, and other modification or administration project data. This screen is also available as a subtask (Mods) of Manage Project User Flow.
  • Manage Revenue Information: Use this screen to track revenue for direct projects. This screen is also available as a subtask (Rev Info) of Manage Project User Flow.
  • Manage Project Billing Information: Use this screen to invoice customers for direct projects. This screen is also available as a subtask (Proj Bill Info) of Manage Project User Flow.


When you use clone, the system copies an existing project or task to a new project or task. It is still a manual process on each screen, but data entry is reduced to just the new project ID. All the rest of the data is copied from the project being cloned.

Like on most screens, cloning is enabled in the following applications:

  • Manage Project User Flow
  • Manage Modifications
  • Manage Revenue Information
  • Manage Project Billing Information

Mass Add Project Master Data

This application copies the setup of an existing template project to a new destination project. It can include basic information and many of the related project tables.

In Mass Add Project Master Data, you can create new top-level projects as well as lower-level projects.

Import Project Master Data

This screen loads setup for 37 project tables. Each table is created in Microsoft Excel with required information in a standard format, and then saved into a comma separated value (CSV) file to be imported into Costpoint.