Why Use New Project Setup from Templates?

You can leverage the screens in New Project Setup from Templates in standardizing and automating your process of setting up projects in Costpoint. Defining and utilizing templates in project setup eliminates the need for duplicate data entry, saves time, and reduces inconsistencies in data entered between projects.

You can find the New Project Setup from Templates application group in Projects > Project Setup > Project Master > New Project Setup from Templates.

With the New Project Setup from Templates applications, you can:

  • ensure that your project setup follows your business rules;
  • define various project setup formats, which can be by project type, project manager preferences, and customer requirements;
  • set up responsibility for project setup process;
  • send notifications to designated individuals when project setup tasks are due; and
  • automate approval of project setup before tasks are loaded on the Manager Project User Flow screen.

Aside from using project templates, there are four other ways on how you can set up your projects in Costpoint. These include the following:

  • Manual entry
  • Cloning
  • Via the Mass Add Project Master Data screen
  • Via the Import Project Master Data screen

Read through the following topics for an overview of each process as well as their advantages and disadvantages against utilizing project templates.