Overview of New Project Setup from Templates

Project setup from templates allows control of the data entry requirements by defining templates for different types of projects and the user roles that may enter the data. Once the templates are defined, you can use them on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates or Create Projects from Templates screen to set up new projects.

Five applications are available under the New Project Setup from Templates application group:

  • Manage Project Templates
  • Manage Project Master Data from Templates
  • Create Projects from Templates
  • Approve Projects from Templates
  • Import Project Master Data from Templates

Manage Project Templates

Use this application to create templates that control the data entry required when you enter a new project on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen or the Create Projects from Templates screen.

You can define the following on the Basic Info tab of this screen:

  • Fields where data entry is required
  • Default values for certain fields
  • The role that is required to input data in certain fields

The other tabs let you control how you can set up revenue and billing information, modifications, and notes.

Manage Project Master Data from Templates

Use this application to request and approve a new project.

Templates can be used on this screen to quickly load project information. After you enter the template ID and project ID, click Load Template to bring in data from the template setup to the Basic Info tab. You can then enter data on the other tabs to define information for revenue, billing, and modifications as well as enter notes pertinent to the project.

Create Projects from Templates

This application is an optional screen that you can use with Manage Project Master Data from Templates to generate project levels and values for a work breakdown structure (WBS). Instead of entering one project level at a time, you can create all levels of the WBS at once.

Once the WBS is generated, the multiple project levels can be edited on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen. You can modify the project name, project manager, and other project data. You can also add billing, revenue, and modification information at the appropriate project levels.

Approve Projects from Templates

Use this screen to approve (or disapprove) multiple quick projects at the same time. Quick projects are those set up on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen.

Once approved, this screen flags those projects with the completed setup and are ready to be used in Import Project Master Data from Templates.

Note: Use the Approve Projects from Templates screen to approve more than one quick project at a time, instead of approving projects individually on the Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen.

Import Project Master Data from Templates

Once quick projects are approved (via the Approve Projects from Templates or Manage Project Master Data from Templates screen), you can use this application to import those projects into the Manage Project User Flow screen.