These are Employee Change Report prompts.

Prompt Message |
Description |
Company |
Select the company for which you are generating the report. |
Limit employees |
Use this option to limit the report to selected employees. (If you make no selections, the report includes all employees.) In Keywords, enter one or more characters for which you want to search to retrieve employees. The list displays values as a combination of ID and name, so you can search by ID or by name. To enter more than one search string, separate them with spaces. Click Options to specify how you want the search to match your entries with the IDs or names. (If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options.) Click Search to list the matching employees in Results. Select the employees in Results that you want to include and click Insert to move them to Choices. To select multiple employees that are together in the list, click the first employee in the group and then press SHIFT as you click the last one in the group. To select multiple employees that are not listed together, press CTRL as you click each one. When you generate the report, it includes only records for the employees in Choices. |
Date change |
Enter or select the starting date of the report date range in From and the ending date in To. The report includes records that were added, modified, or deleted within this date range. Note that if you enter a date range that is too restrictive, the report may only display one record for an employee, making it difficult to determine what information has changed. In that case, widen the date range enough that the report includes the previous version of the employee’s information for comparison purposes. |
Show basic employee information changes |
Select this check box to generate the Basic Employee Information section of the report. |
Show salary information & history changes |
Select this check box to generate the Salary Information and History section of the report. |