Synchronize Project Master Data and Project Edit Data

Use this toolkit to compare and synchronize the PROJ and PROJ_EDIT tables.

The PROJ and PROJ_EDIT tables, which are referenced in numerous processes throughout Costpoint, contain some of the same columns of information in their database tables.

If you perform database modifications to either one of these tables, you must ensure that the modifications are made to both PROJ and PROJ_EDIT to keep them synchronized. This toolkit compares both tables for a project or a range of projects and displays any discrepancies. You can then synchronize the tables by updating PROJ_EDIT from PROJ or by updating PROJ from PROJ_EDIT. Depending on the size of your database, this toolkit could take considerable time to run. Because of the significance of these tables, we recommend that you grant rights to this toolkit screen sparingly. Before synchronization can occur, you must obtain a password from Costpoint General Support.