Update Billing Tables for Cumulative Tax

Use this toolkit to update the Billing History files with cumulative tax information.

Costpoint was originally designed to show only current tax information. Costpoint was subsequently modified to show cumulative tax amounts. This toolkit updates the Billing History files for transactions that were posted before this modification occurred.  The toolkit populates the BILLING_SUM table with information found in the BILLING_DETL_HIST table. Specifically, it looks for a C in the S_TRN_TYPE column of BILLING_DETL_HIST where the SALES_TAX_CD column is not NULL and uses those rows to update BILLING_SUM with cumulative tax information. The BILLING_SUM table is populated with a T in the S_TRN_TYPE column, the SALES_TAX_CD, and the SALES_TAX_AMT. 

For versions beginning with version 5.0, the Post Standard Bills process has been modified to update the BILLING_SUM table with cumulative tax information. Therefore, this toolkit should not be necessary for records posted in versions 5.0 or later.

Note: You should generally run toolkits only when instructed to do so, either by user bulletins, installation instructions, or manuals, or by Costpoint General or Technical Support.

If you have manually entered cumulative tax amounts into BILLING_SUM, they are deleted when you run this toolkit if you have not also updated BILLING_DETL_HIST.