Update Project Transfer History Tables

Use this screen last in the three-screen process to update project history tables such as the billing, accounts receivable, and units usage history tables associated with the Transfer Project.

Use this screen only for the project transfer process. You can use this procedure to transfer any of the following types of projects:  B&P (Bid & Proposal), Direct, Indirect, IR&D (Independent Research & Development), or WIP (Work in Process). For more information on project transfers, please see "Project Transfer."

Warning: Make a complete system backup of your database before processing this screen. After these tables have been updated, you cannot reverse the process. Do not use this screen unless you COMPLETELY understand the project transfer process. Please contact your system consultant for assistance.

Execute this screen immediately after the Create Project Transfer Journal Entry screen and after posting the JE created for the project transfer to the General Ledger.

Note: This process can be time consuming, so plan accordingly. You can use this process to transfer the billing, accounts receivable, and units usage history tables from the Transfer Project to the Receiving Project.

To prevent data from being deleted accidentally, restrict user access to this screen. If an error (system, hardware, electrical) occurs during this update, the same user must restart and resume the update after the crash. During the update, keep all users out of Costpoint screens that process project data.

Before running the Update Project Transfer History Tables screen, review the journal entry created using the JE Edit Report and post the journal entry to the General Ledger.