Technical Details of the Create Microframe Transfer Files Screen

Use this section to know more about the technical details when running the Create Microframe Transfer Files screen.

Tables Read

Account (ACCT): Manage Accounts

Accounting Period (ACCTING_PD): Manage Accounting Periods

Allocation Basis Journal History (ALLOC_BASIS_JNL_HS)

Billable Labor Category (BILL_LAB_CAT): Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC)

Employee (EMPL): Manage Employee Information

Employee Account Group Default (EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT): Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults

Fiscal Year (FY): Manage Fiscal Years

General Labor Category (GENL_LAB_CAT): Manage General Labor Categories

Cash Receipts Header History (CASH_RECPT_HDR_HS)

Cash Receipts Transaction History (CASH_RECPT_TRN_HS)

Costpoint to Microframe Organization Breakdown Structure Mapping (X_MIC_OBSMAP)

Costpoint to Microframe Work Breakdown Structure Mapping (X_MIC_WBSMAP)

Journal Entry Header History (JE_HDR_HS)

Journal Entry Labor Employee History (JE_TRN_LAB_EMPL_HS)

Journal Entry Labor Vendor History (JE_TRN_LAB_VEND_HS)

Journal Entry Transaction History (JE_TRN_HS)

Microframe EOC Mapping (X_MIC_EOCMAP): Manage Microframe EOC Mappings

Microframe Mapping Codes (X_MIC_MAP)]

Microframe Resource Mappings (X_MIC_RESMAP): Manage Microframe Resource Mappings

Organization (ORG)

Other Pool Info (POOL_INFO)

Project (PROJ): Manage Project User Flow

Project Burden Summary (PROJ_BURD_SUM): Compute Revenue

Project Employee Labor Category (PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT)

Project Modifications (PROJ_MOD): Manage Modifications

Reference Structure (REF_STRUC): Manage Reference Structures

Salary Information and History (EMPL_LAB_INFO): Manage Employee Salary Information

Timesheet Header History (TS_HDR_HS)

Timesheet Line History (TS_LN_HS)]

Vendor (VEND): Manage Vendors

Vendor Expense Accounts (VEND_EXP_ACCT): Manage Vendors

Voucher Header History (VCHR_HDR_HS)

Voucher Labor Vendor History (VCHR_LAB_VEND_HS)

Voucher Line History (VCHR_LN_HS)

Tables Read and Written

Function Parameter Catalog (FUNC_PARM_CATLG)

Microframe Transfer Parameters (X_PARMS_AOPMICDN): Create Microframe Transfer File

Microframe Data (X_MIC_DATA)]

Microframe Errors (X_MIC_ERROR)

Other Output

Microframe Transfer File (user named)

Microframe Error Report

Microframe Edit Report

Output File Layout

Microframe WBS ID: Character (20)

The Microframe Work Breakdown Structure field (entered in the Manage Microframe WBS Mappings screen), account, reference 1, or reference 2 depending on WBS ID Source selected on the Create Microframe Transfer File screen.

EOC Code: Character (10)

When you transfer by EOC, this value is "*" plus the EOC code. When you transfer by resource, this value is the resource code.

Resource Department: Character (10)

When you transfer by EOC, this value is blank. When you transfer by resource, this value is the Microframe department taken from the Manage Microframe OBS Mappings screen (Organization Breakdown Structure field).

Overtime Factor: Character (1)

This value is blank.

Microframe Month: Number (6)

Calendar year and month in the format "YYYYMM," taken from the Create Microframe Transfer File screen.

Hours: Character (12)

Labor hours from the timesheet history, vendor history, and journal history tables.

Prime Dollars: Character (12)

Transaction amount from the timesheet history, vendor history, allocation basis journal history, and journal history tables.

Overhead Dollars: Character (12)

Amount of the burden markup for pool types one through four from the Project Burden Summary table, multiplied by the transaction amount.

G&A Dollars: Character (12)

Amount of the burden markup for pool types five and six from the Project Burden Summary table, multiplied by the transaction amount.

COM Dollars: Character (12)

Amount of the burden markup COM from the Project Burden Summary table, multiplied by the transaction amount.

Fee Dollars: Character (12)

Amount of the fee value divided by the cost value from the Project Modification table, multiplied by the transaction amount.