Build Rate Application Table

Use this screen to control the process that builds the Rate Application table.

Costpoint creates the Rate Application table from the information entered on the Manage Cost Pools screen; the table is used to allocate indirect costs to projects. It contains all base accounts and the pool (or pools) to which they are related. Select the Rebuild of Rate Application Table Required check box on the Manage Allocation Groups screen each month before your period end processing to evaluate whether you need to run this screen.

Build the Rate Application table after the initializing the Cost Pools data and before running the Compute Burden Costs screen. Additionally, you must also run this screen any time one of the following conditions occurs:

  • You change or add a pool base account.
  • You change a pool sequence number.
  • You change the Apply Rates To Projects check box on the Manage Cost Pools screen.

If any one of the conditions occurs, the Rebuild of Rate Application Table Required check box on the Manage Allocation Groups screen is selected, and you cannot run the Compute Burden Costs program until you run this screen (Build Rate Application Table).