Activity Cases Subtask

Use this subtask to view cases, case values, transfer date/time, starting user ID, and starting date/time for current activity.

You can identify how long each activity has been current and whether an activity has been started.


Field Description

This field displays the currently selected workflow.


This field displays the subsystem to which this workflow is associated.


This field displays the status of this workflow.

Table Window

This field displays information about the cases associated with this workflow activity.

Field Description

This field displays the workflow case for this activity.

Transfer Date/Time

This field displays the date and time this workflow activity for the case was transferred into a user's inbox.

Case Values

This field displays the workflow case label and value for this current activity.

Starting User ID

This field displays the user ID of the individual who started this workflow activity for the case.

Note: Starting Date/Time and Starting User ID may be blank if the activity has not been started.
Starting Date/Time

This field displays the date and time this user started workflow activity for this case.

Case Notes

This field displays any special information for a particular case of the workflow.


Subtask Description
Activity Routing Click this link to open the Activity Routing subtask and view the role, user ID, and user name for a current activity. This subtask includes the roles or users whose inbox the activity is in.