Manage Supplier Vendor Rating Descriptions

Use this screen to view and maintain supplier/vendor rating descriptions that you can use to evaluate suppliers or vendors.

If you have multiple companies, you can set up and maintain supplier vendor rating description codes in any company and use them across all companies.

This screen automatically displays Costpoint-defined description codes that are classified into four areas:

  • Customer Service, Quality and Delivery
  • Financial
  • Relationship
  • Responsiveness/Innovation

Each area has five pre-defined codes. You cannot edit or delete these codes, but you can modify their descriptions. You also cannot enter new codes on this screen.

The descriptions entered on this screen can be modified and will display on the Supplier/Vendor Rating subtask of the Supplier/Vendor Rating tab on the Manage Contracts and Manage Subcontracts screens.

Note: This application is available only if you are licensed for Contract Management.