Manage CLIN Information

Use this screen to initialize Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) information by project.

This information serves as a catalog of items or products available to be used and invoiced on that particular project. CLIN or catalog numbers and descriptions are assigned in this screen.

Items from the Manage Parts, Manage Goods, or Manage Services screens are linked to each CLIN through the Item Linkage subtask. Note that this function is for use only with Costpoint Product Definition. If you do not use that module, do not enter CLIN information in this screen.

Set up this screen after initializing the ITEM_PROD table in Costpoint Product Definition. The ITEM_PROD table is maintained through the Manage Parts, Manage Goods, or Manage Services screens. You must set it up before you generate automatic product invoices. Set up this screen before you attempt to enter unit usage data.