Manage Project Budgets By Period

Use this screen to enter project budgets by fiscal period for direct accounts, indirect pools and fees.

For each fiscal year, you can track multiple budget revisions. You can enter a default fee rate to be applied to each cost element on the Manage Project Total Budget screen. If you don't want to manually enter indirect expenses budgets by pool, you can leave the Budget % and Amount blank (in the Indirect subtask) and let Costpoint update the indirect cost budgets for you. You can do this using  the Apply Indirect Costs to Budgets screen.

Note: If you use the Apply Indirect Costs to Budgets screen, Costpoint inserts the pool rate from the designated period into the Budget % column and the computed budgeted burden amount into the Amount column (on the Indirect subtask). If the rate is a "composite rate," other pools are included in the base, and it is not possible to arrive at the burden amount by multiplying the base amount, from the main screen, by the pool rate. In other words, Costpoint computes the budgeted burden amount per your pool setup on the Manage Cost Pools screen. For this reason, if you manually update this subtask, you must enter the pool rate and the burden and cost of money amounts.

Enter data in this subtask after you have initialized the project and set up budget revisions. Remember to save this screen each time you use the Spread, Fill, Move, or Escalate subtasks. Existing budget information can be lost if you do not save before adding new rows (accounts) to the Table Window.