Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Transfer Locations screen.
Field | Description |
and enter a new alphanumeric code.
Location Name
Enter an alphanumeric code that describes the location code.
Select this check box to indicate that the location is active. Leave the check box blank to indicate that the location is not active.
You cannot link inactive locations to projects.
Currency Code
Enter, or click
to select, the functional currency of the location.
External Database
Select this check box to identify this location as an external database. If this location is for a database that is not the database which generates the IWO transfer, it is an external database. If the location is the same database from which the IWO transfer is generated, it is an internal database.
Allow Multicurrency IWOs
Select this check box to allow creation of IWOs in a currency different from the receiving company's functional currency.
Note: This check box is available only if you are licensed for Multicurrency, and is not used for consolidations.
IWO Default Rate Group
This field is required if you selected the
Allow Multicurrency IWOs check box. Enter a default exchange rate group for IWOs for the receiving company. You can click
to select the exchange rate group only for internal databases. For transfer locations that have the
External Database check box unselected, the rate group will be validated against the values set up on the Manage Exchange Rate Groups screen.
Note: This field is available only if you are licensed for Multicurrency, and is not used for consolidations.
Technical Information
This screen uses the IWO_LOCATIONS table (populated by Manage IWO Allocations screen).
- The
Location field (IWO_LOC_CD) is a user-defined code used to identify either a sending or receiving database. The codes must be unique within each database, but you must establish exact, duplicate names in both the sending and receiving databases. These names are the source table for
on the Project Settings screen in establishing the location code of the database. This code is later attached to transfer data to establish the source or destination databases for that data. We suggest that the code indicate the location (such as
LISD). You cannot use special characters, such as
%, and so on.
- The
Location Name field (IWO_LOC_NAME) is a user-defined code used to identify the location database.
- The
Active field (ACTIVE_FL) defines whether the location is active (check box selected) or inactive (check box not selected). Inactive locations are not available for
on the Configure Project Settings screen. Inactive locations cannot receive IWO allocations. Do not associate projects with inactive locations. Make unused locations inactive, but to maintain historical data, do not delete them.
- The
Currency Code (S_CRNCY_CD) is the code for the functional currency of the location.
- The
Country Code (COUNTRY_CD) field is currently not used.
- Modified by (MODIFIED_BY) is a system-used field that identifies the user ID of the person making the entry or modification.
- Time stamp (TIME_STAMP) is a system-used field that identifies the time and date of the row creation or modification.
- Row version (ROWVERSION) is a system-used field.