User Cases Subtask

Use this subtask to view cases and case values for the activity completed by a particular user and the transfer time, activity time, and time to complete, so you can see the amount of time required by a user to finish a particular activity for all workflow cases.

This subtask is active if rows display in the table of the User Productivity subtask.


Field Description

This field displays the currently selected workflow.


This field displays the subsystem to which this workflow is associated.


This field displays the status of this workflow.


This field displays the currently selected activity.


This field displays the option associated with this activity.


This field displays the user ID of the individual who completed this activity and option.

User Name

This field displays the user name of the individual who completed this activity and option.

Table Window

This table window displays case information associated with this user.

Field Description

This field displays the workflow case for this activity.

Transfer Time

This field displays the actual time elapsed from the time this activity was placed in this user's inbox to the time this user started this activity.

Case Values

This field displays the workflow case label and value for this activity.

Activity Time

This field displays the actual time elapsed from the time this user started this activity to the time this user completed this activity.

Total Time To Complete

This field displays the actual total amount of time that elapsed from the time this activity was placed in this user's inbox to the time this user completed this activity.

Case Notes

This field displays any special information for a particular case of the workflow.

Completion Notes

This field displays information regarding any special occurrences.