Approve Subcontractor Invoices

Use this screen to approve subcontractor invoices created using the Create Subcontractor Invoices application or entered on the Manage Subcontractor Invoices screen.

Only subcontractor invoices that are pending approval and have the Submit for Approval check box selected in Manage Subcontractor Invoices display on this screen.

Various information about the subcontractor invoice is available on this screen to facilitate the approver's decision in approving. Most fields are display-only and cannot be edited. You can modify only the Approved check box (for both internal and subcontractor approvals), the subcontractor Approver field, and the Default Receiving Info group box.

After the subcontractor invoice is fully approved, it becomes a voucher. However, even if the invoice is partially approved, some changes are not allowed depending on the followings settings:

  • If the Require Subcontractor Approval check box is selected on the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen, the invoice is considered fully approved only after both internal and subcontractor approvals are completed. If the invoice is approved either internally or by the subcontractor (but not both), it is considered partially approved, and no further changes will be allowed on the Manage Subcontractor Invoices screen.
  • If the Require Subcontractor Approval check box is not selected on the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen, the invoice is considered fully approved only upon internal approval; the subcontractor approval is optional. If the invoice is approved by the subcontractor (but not internally), it is not considered partially approved, and changes will be allowed on the Manage Subcontractor Invoices screen.

Upon approval, Costpoint automatically creates receipts for three-way match purchase order (PO) lines using the default packing slip and receipt ID on this screen's header section.

Note: This application is available only if you are licensed for Subcontractor Management.