Post Progress Payment Bills

Use this screen to post 1443 invoices that have been calculated on the Calculate Progress Payment Bills screen, and then reviewed on the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.

This screen is used by projects that bill using government form 1443, Contractor's Request for Progress Payment.

Only invoices with a status of Selected are posted through this process. You can assign this status to a range of bills in the Select Bills for Posting screen or on an individual bill basis on the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.

The Progress Bills to GL When Billed check box on the Configure Billing Settings screen controls whether the posting entries update the general ledger. If you selected this check box, the journal debits the Billed A/R - Progress Payments account set up for the project to which the invoice is being posted. Progress payment bills allow you to recover a percentage of your incurred costs, even if deliveries have not been made. As such, the credit side of the journal posting is made to a liability, Unliquidated Progress Payments, instead of the unbilled account. Unbilled accounts are used when delivery has been made and a delivery invoice is posted. When the bill has been paid, Cash is debited and the Billed A/R - Progress Payments is credited.

If you do not select the check box, no entries update the general ledger. When the bill is paid and the cash receipt is posted, cash is debited and the Unliquidated Progress Payments account is credited. Therefore, if you do not select this check box, a receivable is not recognized and the liability is not shown on your financial statements until the cash receipt is posted. Regardless of the selection, the accounts receivable and billing history files are updated by the posting. If you choose not to update the general ledger, an option exists on the Accounts Receivable Aging report to suppress progress payment bills for reconciliation purposes.

For more information, see the "Progress Payment Bills" and "The Posting Process" topics.

You can print and post the Post 1443 Invoices Journal as many times as necessary during an accounting subperiod. You can print the Journal without posting. However, you must print the journal before posting.