Where to Enter Labor Costs

To enter hourly labor budgets using an average cost by PLC or GLC, create tables to maintain the PLC and GLCs.

  • Enter GLCs on the Manage General Labor Categories screen, and maintain budget rates on the Manage Average Cost GLC Rates screen. To apply hourly labor costs to your budget, select the Labor Cost option on the Info tab of the Manage Project Budgets and ETC screen.
  • Enter PLCs on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen, and enter budget rates on the Manage Average Cost PLC Rates screen. To apply hourly labor costs to your budget, select the Labor Cost option on the Info tab of the Manage Project Budgets and ETC screen.
Note: When first creating a budget for a project, select either the Labor Cost or T&M Labor option on the Info tab of the Manage Project Budgets and ETC screen. You must always select a format for labor budgeting when creating a project budget.

To enter hourly labor budgets using bill or T&M labor rates, enter project PLC rates on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen. To apply T&M labor budgeting to your budget, select the T&M Labor option on the Info tab of the Manage Project Budgets and ETC screen.