Compute/Print Purchasing Commitments

Use this optional screen to compute and print commitments for purchase requisitions and purchase orders.

The process is designed to produce reports that accurately predict general ledger charges or future financial obligations. You can print reports to show committed amounts by project, organization, and account. This screen updates tables in Costpoint that can be used by the Project Status Report (PSR) to show committed amounts.

Entry of a purchase requisition/purchase order initiates a purchase commitment. As the items ordered on the purchase order are received, accepted, and eventually vouchered, the commitment is labeled accordingly. When the expense for the items is booked to the general ledger through the Voucher Distribution Posting, the items are removed from the commitments calculations. You can optionally exclude any purchase order line from the commitment process by selecting Excluded from the Commit Type drop-down list in the table window of the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Execute this process whenever you want to create or print purchase requisition and/or purchase order commitments or to show commitment amounts on a PSR.