Manage Contractor Addresses

Use this screen to enter contractor addresses that print on the government form 1443, Contractor's Request for Progress Payment.

Addresses entered here can be referenced on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen and print in block 1 of the form 1443. Note that you can also access the Manage Contractor Addresses screen in Costpoint Sales Order Entry.

For more information, see "Progress Payment Bills" topic.

Set up this screen before initializing projects requiring a 1443 bill on the Manage Project Billing Information screen. You must maintain this screen when you need new addresses or when you need to modify existing addresses. If you modify an existing contractor code, all the projects that use this code are modified. If you need to modify a contractor address and related bills have already been computed, you must recalculate the bill before the modification shows on the billing.