Unbilled Receivables

This topic discusses how to create and print the Unbilled Receivable Analysis and Unbilled Reason Code Reports.

These reports are an important management tool that provides information on the unbilled balance calculation and on the major components of that balance. A brief discussion of how to initialize your unbilled receivables appears at the end of this topic. Details of the Unbilled Reason code Report follow.

The Unbilled Receivable Analysis Report is actually two different reports: a Summary report and a Detail report.

The Summary report is designed to provide an overview of the unbilled balances and a quick reference on the unbilled balance calculation. On the Summary Report, there are two Unbilled Amounts: one is derived from the ITD Revenue minus ITD Billings calculation, and one is the unbilled amount per the G/L. These two amounts should, in theory, be the same; but there can be circumstances where they do not agree. Variances could result if the revenue and billing history files are not initialized with the correct amounts, or if a journal entry is made to either the revenue or billed A/R accounts that may not be reflected in the revenue or billing postings. A variance could also result if you select a Rate Type for the report that is different from your posting method. You should investigate any discrepancies so that you understand the nature of the variance.

The Unbilled Receivable Analysis Summary report lists the following:

  • Project
  • Project Name
  • Project Type (Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Time & Materials, and so on)
  • Account Group (Commercial, Government, and so on)
  • Status (Active or Inactive)
  • ITD Revenue
  • ITD Billings
  • Unbilled Amount per formula (revenue minus billings)
  • Unbilled Amount per General Ledger

The Unbilled Receivable Analysis Detail report provides a listing of some of the major components of the unbilled balance. This assists you in determining when some of these components can be billed.

The Detail report lists the following:

  • Project
  • Project Name
  • Project Type (Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Time & Materials, and so on)
  • Period of Performance
  • Unbilled Amount Per General Ledger
  • Unbilled components:
  • Subsequent Billings
  • Current Year Rate Variance
  • Prior Years Rate Variance
  • Retainage
  • Transactions Not Billed (Hours)
  • Transactions Not Billed (Costs)
  • Revenue Adjustments
  • Miscellaneous

The Unbilled Reason report lists the following:

  • Reason Code
  • Description
  • Amount
  • Project Total
  • Report Total

See the following topics for more information:

  • Creation of the Report Table
  • Print the Unbilled Receivable Analysis Report
  • Components of the Unbilled Balance
  • Initialize Unbilled Receivables
  • Create the Unbilled Reason Code Report