Manage Project Total Budget

Use this screen to enter the total budget for a project, organization, and account.

Total budgets include direct, indirect, fee and cost of money amounts. Total budgets also track the budgeted costs for this project and organization regardless of the life of the project.

Figures entered here display on the Project Status Report (PSR) as budgeted amounts.

PSR Year to Date (YTD) and Inception to Date (ITD) amounts come from this screen and include any figures entered in the Other or Additional Fee group box on the Total Budget subtask.

YTD and ITD amounts do NOT come from this screen if you have entered percentages or amounts in the Manual Fee Override group box on the Total Budget subtask. Those Manual Fee Override amounts, plus any Other or Additional Fee, display as the YTD and ITD amounts on the PSR.

Attention: For more information, see "The Project Budget Process" topic.