Integration UDEF Field Mapping Subtask

Use this subtask on the Integration Field Mapping screen to map columns from other systems, such as GovWin Capture Management, to a user-defined field in Costpoint.


Field Description
Resultset ID This field displays the Resultset ID of the target user-defined field in Costpoint.
UDEF Label Enter, or click to select, field label of the target user-defined field in Costpoint.
Source Info Center Name Enter the name of the Info Center for the column. For example, Projects, Opportunities, or Activities.
Source Table Enter the Capture Management database table from which the migration will take data for the target field.
Note: The Lookup function is not available on this field. If you edit the default value on this field, ensure that the value is valid. Otherwise, the data transfer to Costpoint will not be successful.
Source Column Enter the Capture Management database column from which the migration will take data for the target field.
Note: The Lookup function is not available on this field. If you edit the default value on this field, ensure that the value is valid. Otherwise, the data transfer to Costpoint will not be successful.
Source Data Type From the drop-down list, select the data type of the source column. Valid values are:
  • DATE