Manage Project Account Groups

Use this screen to establish project account groups. 

You can use project account groups to establish a standard "set" of accounts for a given project.

You can create different sets of accounts that can be assigned to different types of projects. You must assign a project account group to each project that is set up in Costpoint. The project account group is assigned to the project using the Account Group field on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow screen. After the project account group has been assigned to the project, you can charge only the accounts that are included in the project account group to that project.

For each account in the project account group, you must select a system-designated function code. Account Functions include Labor, Non-Labor, Revenue, and so forth. Note that you can use a given account only once in the same account group with one exception: you can use the same account for both the BILLED A/R and BILLED AR-PRGRSS function codes in one account group code. You can use the following function codes only once in a project account group: BILLED A/R, BILLED AR-PRGSS, CONTRA-REVENUE, COST OF GOODS SOLD, PRGRSS-LIQUID, PRGRSS-UNLIQUID, PY REV, REVENUE, UNBILLED-GENERL, UNBILLED-RETAIN, AWARD FEE, and WIP TRANS OUT. You can use the remainder of the function codes in the project account groups as many times as needed.

Warning: Changing the Function Code of an existing account may cause some programs to compute incorrectly. Always check with Costpoint General Support before changing the function code of an existing account.

If you have an account in the account group that you no longer want to use, enter N in the Active column. This prevents account charging within this project account group but does not affect its availability in other project account groups.

Use this screen extensively during system initialization, when account groups are defined. Otherwise, perform maintenance whenever a new account group is required or whenever modifications are required to an existing account group.

You can add an account to the account group at any time. Enter N in the Active column if you no longer want to use the account in the project account group.

Note: To create similar project account groups, use Costpoint's Clone feature.

For more information about project account groups, see the "Project Account Groups" topic.

Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.