Update Subcontractor Progress Payments

Use this screen to update the Subcontractor Progress Payments table, which is used by projects that bill using form 1443, Contractor's Request for Progress Payment.

This screen updates the Manage Subcontractor Progress Payments screen with information from the Open Billing Detail file and the voucher and check history files. This process is executed at month-end to update subcontractor invoices that have been entered and paid through Costpoint Accounts Payable. This process is necessary because subcontractor costs are treated separately on the form 1443. When the progress payment bills are calculated, subcontractor costs are obtained from the Manage Subcontractor Progress Payments screen instead of from Open Billing Detail, which is the source of all other transactions. Since form 1443 differentiates between paid and unpaid subcontractor costs, every organization billing progress payments must execute this process, regardless of status (large or small business). If this process is not used, the Subcontractor Progress Payments table must be maintained manually.

The process updates only projects that have a progress payment billing formula. It retrieves transactions from Open Billing Detail that have been identified as company-wide subcontractor accounts on the Manage Billing Accounts screen. The voucher history files (VCHR_HDR_HS and VCHR_LN_ACCT_HS) are referenced for the selected transactions to obtain information such as the bill type, shipment value, and invoice amount. Payment information is added from the vendor check history files (VEND_CHK and VEND_CHK_VCHR). After Costpoint updates the Subcontractor Progress Payments file, it deletes the transactions from Open Billing Detail. The Subcontractor Progress Payments file then becomes the source for line 14 and for delivery invoices billed on line 9 of the form 1443.

For more information, see the "Progress Payment Bills" topic.

Run this screen after printing checks and accepting them for the period that you want to update. (Note that cash disbursements do not need to be posted before you run this process.) Run this screen before calculating progress payment bills.