Check and/or Rebuild Project Segment IDs

Use this toolkit to check and/or rebuild the LN_PROJ_SEG_IDs in the PROJ table for a project or a range of projects.

The top level of each project ID along with each project's level numbers and lengths is stored in the PROJ_LVL table. Each project's individual levels and segment IDs, among other information, are stored in the PROJ table. If your company has uploaded this information into your database, you need to run this toolkit to ensure the PROJ_SEG_IDs in PROJ are at the correct level and length as stored in the PROJ_LVL table.

The toolkit contains two different processes: one compares the two tables and one rebuilds the LN_PROJ_SEG_IDs in PROJ. If no discrepancies are found in the check process, the rebuild process is not necessary.