Create Subcontractor Invoices

Use this application to create subcontractor agreement invoices based on labor hours from Deltek Time & Expense, hourly rates of resources from the work assignments or purchase order (PO) line, and/or expense amounts from Deltek Time Collection.

Costpoint selects the records based on the entries made on this screen and see which of the records does not have a generated invoice yet.

To calculate labor rates, Costpoint loads the labor rate from the corresponding work assignment that matches the timesheet line based on the work assignment ID, timesheet line number, and vendor employee ID. If labor rate is not available in the work assignment resource, the system loads from the work assignment charge line based on the subcontract work assignment ID and line number. If the labor rate is still not available, the system applies a 2-way or 3-way match PO line.

For a 2-way match PO line, Costpoint either loads the labor rate from the PO line resource or from the vendor employee. When the system applies the latter, Costpoint looks for the vendor employee Labor Information and History record that has the invoice date within the entered Start and End Dates. If the qualified labor information is found, Costpoint searches for the associated Default Invoice Transactional Rates subtask to get the transactional rate. The row with a transaction currency that matches that of the PO transaction currency is used. If there are multiple rows, the one with the Effective Start Date that is before the Invoice Date is used.

If the qualified transaction rate is also not available in the Default Invoice Transactional subtask, the Default Invoice Rate from the Labor Information and History screen is used. However, this Default Invoice Rate may be in functional currency, so Costpoint will convert it to the transactional invoice rate.

For a 3-way match PO line, Costpoint loads the labor rate from the PO line resource, PO Line (Net Unit Cost), or Vendor Employee Rate.

If the If no WA rate exists for 3-way match, first use PO Line (Net Unit Cost) option on the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen is selected, Costpoint loads the rate from the corresponding PO line.

If the If no WA rate exists for 3-way match, first use Vendor Employee Rate option on the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen is selected, Costpoint loads the rate from the vendor employee similar to the 2-way match PO line approach.

To calculate the labor amounts, Costpoint identifies the Pay Type factor based on the Pay Type of the timesheet line. The Pay Rate is multiplied by the Pay Type Factor to get the adjusted labor rate. The number of hours in the timesheet line is multiplied by the adjusted labor rate to get the labor amount.

The logic for expense amounts invoicing is fairly similar to that for labor amounts, with some differences. PO lines will be differentiated as labor, expense, or other, depending on the value of a new column associated with the PO line item or miscellaneous line charge type. Thus, they will be in separate invoice lines since labor and expense will be in different PO lines. In addition, if the detailed expense row has a different sales/value-added tax code, it will be added as a separate invoice line.

Expense amounts loaded in the staging table (SUBC_EXP_LN), on the other hand, are linked to work assignment and purchase order lines via a combination of PO ID, PO release, PO line, work assignment ID, work assignment charge line number, and vendor employee ID.

For both labor and expense amounts, Costpoint looks at the business rules for the work assignment when determining what amounts of labor/expense get charged to regular accounts as opposed to unallowable accounts. If the Allow Hours Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Hours, Allow Charges Outside Work Assignment Period of Performance, and Allow Charges Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Amount options on the Business Rules tab of the Manage Work Assignments screen are not selected, any amounts (no partial timesheet amount) that are outside of the period of performance, or beyond the ceiling hours/amounts, will be charged to unallowable accounts if the Over to Unallow check box of the corresponding option is selected in the work assignment. If these options are not selected and you did not select the Over to Unallow check box, no values outside the period of performance or exceeding the ceiling hours/amounts will be included in the invoice but will be included in an exception report.

Attention: For more information on the selections of the overage flags and their effects on subcontractor invoices, see Subcontractor Management Overage Flags.

An approved amount of 0 (zero) means there is no ceiling:

  • If the amount in WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE is 0 (no ceiling at vendor employee level), Costpoint uses the amount in WA_CHG_LN.TRN_AMT (work assignment charge line) to determine the ceiling.
  • If the amount in WA_CHG_LN.TRN_AMT (work assignment charge line) is also 0, Costpoint sums up all the work assignment charge line amounts for that PO line (sum of WA_CHG_LN.TRN_AMT for matching PO line) and uses that as the ceiling amount.

Any time an invoice line is charged to an unallowable account, the flags will be updated to indicate the reason for it. The creation process will insert/update tables and columns as necessary. All records in the staging table (SUBC_EXP_LN) will be considered eligible for invoicing. Ineligible expenses will be filtered out in Time & Expense before populating the staging tables.

When creating invoices based on expense amounts, Costpoint selects only records from the expense staging table (SUBC_EXP_LN) that meet this screen's parameters for purchase order/release, vendor, project, work assignment, and expense report date. For a given expense report date, Costpoint selects all expense detail rows that are associated with that report date, whether or not the actual expense detail date falls within the report date range. Only records with open un-invoiced amounts will be processed. Since partial invoicing of an expense record is not allowed, open amounts will either be zero or the total amount.

The expense amounts will be in terms of the work assignment transaction currency, which is the same as the PO transaction currency. The functional currency amount equivalents will depend on the exchange rate source (as defined in Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings).

Note: Labor or timesheet lines as well as expense lines that are marked on Hold on the Manage Open Subcontractor Detail screen are not included when you create subcontractor invoices.
Note: Create Subcontractor Invoices is available only if you are licensed for Subcontractor Management.