Manage Average PLC Rates

Use this screen to enter the average labor rate of the Project Labor Categories (PLCs) for use in the budgeting screens.

Rates entered here default to the Manage PLC Budgets By Period and the Manage PLC Total Budget screens when you enter a line using the specific PLC. Costpoint multiplies these rates by the employee or vendor hours to arrive at the employee or vendor amounts.

When you enter this screen, you must specify which PLCs you want by clicking . The PLCs available for selection must have been entered on the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen. You cannot add new lines or delete existing ones; for this, you must use the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen. You can modify only the Average Rate column.

Complete this screen before using the Manage PLC Budgets By Period or the Manage PLC Total Budget screens. When you access those screens, the rates default in and Costpoint automatically calculates the employee or vendor amounts when you enter the number of hours. If you choose not to complete this screen, the rates do not default in. If you enter the rates directly on the Manage PLC Budgets By Period or the Manage PLC Total Budget screen, the rate times hours calculation still occur.