Manage Prior Year Billable Value

Use this screen to add project billable value amounts for prior years including labor, non-labor, and units.

Billable value is called Goal in some businesses.

Because billable value is computed by a Year-To-Date (YTD) method, these prior year amounts are used only in the Inception-To-Date (ITD) calculations for the selected project.

Use this screen during system initialization to enter data for a pending project. Enter project billable value data before running the Compute Billing Value of Cost Incurred screen. Use the Update Prior Year History screen, which is run as part of closing a fiscal year, to update fiscal year information for projects once your Costpoint system is operational. This screen is required only if you are planning to use the Compute Billing Value of Cost Incurred screen.

Note: If you are initializing this screen, make sure that all prior year labor costs and hours are initialized in the LAB_HS (Maintain Labor Summary) table and all non-labor and units costs were initialized in the PSR_PY_SUM (Prior Year Cost and Revenue) table. You can initialize prior year costs on the Update Prior Year History screen.