Manage Progress Payment Bills

Use this screen to view and modify progress payment bills that have been generated by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills screen.

This gives you a chance to make adjustments to the bills before you print and post them. You can modify only existing bills created by the calculation process; you cannot enter additional rows or insert additional rows into existing bills.

The method of modifying the bills depends on the type of billing line. You can modify some lines on the main screen and modify others in the Line Detail subtask (lines 9, 10, 13, 14a, 14b, and 14d). You can modify billing lines in the Line Detail subtask by modifying the Billing Amount, Hold Amount, or Write Off Amount of a transaction. After modifying the line detail, use the recalculation process in the Line Detail subtask. Modifications made directly on the main screen are automatically incorporated into later calculations on the bill.

Note that making modifications to the billing amounts in this screen causes a discrepancy between what has been billed and the costs that have been incurred. This may cause problems during an audit.  There is no audit trail to record how or why a modification is made in this screen. The best way to adjust billing amounts is to make adjustments to the original source journal of the transaction.

For more information, see the "Progress Payment Bills" topic.

Review this screen after you have calculated progress payment bills, but before you print the final bills. Note that this screen is not required, but is recommended as part of your internal quality control procedures.

This screen has eight tabs:

  • Billing Details: Use this tab to select/review invoice number, status, and due date information.  You can also review the customer and bill date information in this tab.
  • Section 1; Box 1: This tab displays the contracting and paying addresses that appear in line 1 of the form 1443.
  • Section 1; Box 2: This tab displays the remit to address that appears in line 2 of the form 1443.
  • Section 1; Box 3-8: This tab displays the information found in Section I, Identification Information, of the form 1443. This tab also displays the certification information found in the footer of the form.
  • Line Info 9-19: Use this tab to review Lines 9-19 of Government Form 1443. Most of the fields in this tab are non-editable. Use this tab to review line totals before printing or posting progress payment bills.
  • Line Info 20-26: Use this tab to review Lines 20a - Line 26 of Government form 1443. Lines 20a, 21a, 21d, 23, and 26 are editable. The remainder of the fields in this tab are non-editable. Use this tab after you have calculated progress payment bills and before you print or post the bills.
  • Line 13 Costs: Use this tab to review the details for the computation of the value on Line 13 of the government Form 1443. All the fields in this tab are non-editable. You should review the details for Line 13 of the 1443 after you have computed the bill and before you have printed or posted it.
  • Certification Info: Use this tab to enter the representative's name and title and the officer's name and title. This information displays in the Certification section of the 1443. Enter the information in this tab before you print or post the bills.