Manage Closed Progress Billing Detail

This screen is used by projects that bill using government form 1443, Contractor's Request for Progress Payment. It contains progress bills that have been posted through the Post Progress Payment Bills screen.

This screen provides the historical detail of past progress payment bills and is used in the calculation of future progress payment bills. You must initialize this screen manually before calculating progress payment bills. You can enter each invoice individually or summarize all invoices into one record. After you complete initialization, the posting process creates a screen for each posted bill.

Most of the fields in this screen are editable. Those that are not are noted in the documentation. You should exercise caution when modifying any amounts that have been inserted into this table by the Print Progress Payment Bills screen. The amounts inserted into this table by the Post Progress Payment Bills process represent the amounts that were on the invoice when it was issued.

For more information, see the "Progress Payment Bills" topic.

You must complete this screen before executing the Calculate Progress Payment Bills screen. You only need to complete this screen if the project has been previously billed on Government Form 1443.

This screen has seven tabs:

  • Billing Details: Use this tab to review invoice number, status, and due date information.  You can also review the customer and bill date information in this tab.
  • Addresses: This tab displays the Contracting and Paying Addresses that appear in line 1 of the form 1443. These addresses originate on the Manage Contractor Addresses screen and Manage Government Payment Offices screen, respectively. You can edit all of the fields in this tab. 
  • Remit To: This tab displays the Remit To address that appears in line 2 of the form 1443. This address originates on the Manage Remittance Addresses screen.
  • Section 1: This tab displays the information found in Section I, Identification Information, of the form 1443. This tab also displays the certification information found in the footer of the form. Most of the information originates on the Manage Project Billing Information screen. You can modify all of the fields in this tab.
  • Line Info 9-19: Use this tab to review Lines 9-19 of Government Form 1443.
  • Line Info 20-26: Use this tab to review Lines 20a - Line 26 of Government form 1443.
  • Line 13 Costs: Use this tab to review the calculation for the line 13 total on your 1443. Because these transactions are included on bills that have already been posted, each of the fields is non-editable.